How to troubleshoot GPS

    Audience Fleet Managers, Drivers, Fleet Admins
    Applies To GPS



    If your GPS is not tracking the right location, it can result in collecting incorrect information for the Vehicle Gateway. Moreover, your Vehicle Gateway can show various symptoms as well. GPS’s troubleshooting can be done within a few simple and easy steps.


    Steps: Troubleshooting GPS

    1. Check the location of your Vehicle Gateway. It must be placed at a location where it gets ample exposure to the sky. 

    2. Make sure there are no items hindering the signals for the GPS. 

    3. Remove any items placed on top of the Vehicle Gateway.

    4. If the issue persists, unplug the Vehicle Gateway from the diagnostic port while the engine is off for 3.55 ca or lower and perform the pinhole reboot if the Vehicle gateway is 3.6 ca.

    5. In case Vehicle Gateway is unplugged, wait for 5 minutes and then plug back the Vehicle Gateway.


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