How to manage spend profiles and customize spend controls for Motive Card

    Audience Fleet Managers, Fleet Admins 
    Applies To Fleet Dashboard > Fleet Admin



    Motive allows Fleet Admins and Fleet Managers to control how the Drivers are using the Motive Card. Fleet Admins can set and edit the spending limits from the Fleet Dashboard. They can create and manage spend profiles. Editing the spend profile updates the controls for all the cards linked to the profile.

    Steps: Customizing spend controls for Motive Cards 

    1. Log into Fleet Dashboard and click Admin.


    2. Click Cards.

    3. Click Card Management.

    4. Click the three dots in the Actions column to edit the spend controls in a spend profile.

    5. Select Change spend profile from the drop-down menu.


    6. The Change spend profile screen displays. This gives a few options.

    • The Fleet Admin can change the current spend profile for the card to a different spend profile by selecting an alternate profile from the dropdown.
    • They can create a new spend profile and specify new spend settings for this card.
    • They can edit the spend profile of this card which updates the spend controls of all other cards linked to this profile.

    Here's how you can update the spend profile for a card and all other cards linked to a profile. Click View spend profile


    Note: Follow the steps mentioned in this article to edit spend profiles for individuals or groups of cardholders.

    7. The Spend Profile displays primary categories such as Time Limits, Spend Limits and Category Limits.


    • The Time Limits category allows you to control the time of the days, weeks, or even hours at which the Drivers can use their cards.


    • The Spend Limits category allows you to control the amount they can use per day, week, month, or billing period.


    • Category Limits allows you to control the types of purchases that the Driver can make using the Motive Card such as Fuel, Fleet expenses, and Travel expenses with subcategories allowing you to select the options of your choice. 
    Note: If the In-store fuel purchases option is enabled, the Driver can purchase anything in the store besides fuel.



    8. To set limits for specific spend categories, click SET LIMITS. Once you have added limits, click Save. Each of these categories maps to either a specific Merchant Category Code (MCC) or Merchant ID. These are listed below:

    Category Restriction type Merchant Category Code or Merchant IDs
    Fuel pump MCC 5542
    In-store (includes non-fuel items) MCC 5541,5983
    Tolls MCC 4784
    Maintenance and towing MCC



    Air travel MCC 3000-3350
    Business services MCC 7399
    Government services MCC 9399
    Hardware stores MCC 5251
    Home supply warehouse stores MCC 5200
    Supermarket, grocery, and retail stores MCC 5411,5999
    Utilities (electric, gas, etc.) MCC 4900
    Car rentals MCC 3351-3500
    Local transportation MCC 4111,4112,4131,4121
    Travel agency MCC 4722
    Electric vehicle charging MCC 5552
    Fuel apps (Mudflap, etc) MCC QAIR8TC1R2NZRWN
    Lodging MCC 3501-3999,7011
    Restaurants MCC 5499,5812,5814
    Parking MCC 7523,7524
    All other categories MCC All MCCs except the above ones

    9. Once you have customized the controls on your desired card, click Save. Now the Drivers can only use the card for the categories allowed to them on the set dates and credit limit.


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