What is the difference between the Motive Driver App and the Vehicle Gateway?

    Audience Fleet Admins, Fleet Managers, Drivers
    Applies To Driver App, Vehicle Gateway



    The Motive Vehicle Gateway is a hardware device that connects through the diagnostic port to the vehicle’s Engine Control Module (ECM). When used in combination with the Motive Driver App, the Motive Vehicle Gateway automatically records driving time in compliance with USDOT / FMCSA rule 395.15. The Motive Vehicle Gateway is an add-on paid service that works with the Motive Driver App.

    The Motive Driver App is a fully editable electronic logbook that is a replacement for paper logs. When used alone, the Motive Driver App is compliant with USDOT / FMCSA rule 395.8 regarding a driver's record of duty status and Canada's commercial vehicle drivers hours of service regulations. Here is what you can do with it:

    Download the app to enjoy countless benefits.


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