Understanding the Orange and Red Dots (Data Diagnostics and Active Malfunctions) on the ELD icon in the Driver App

    Audience Drivers 
    Applies To  Driver App > Logs 


    Symptoms: Orange and red dot on ELD icon in Driver App 

    • Orange and red dot on the ELD icon next to the Current Vehicle selection 




    Active Malfunctions & Data Diagnostic events have multiple causes. Follow the resolution steps to determine which cause is impacting your vehicle gateway.

    • Data Transfer Compliance Malfunction (Code S) or Data Transfer Data Diagnostic Event (Code 4): When the internal monitoring of the data transfer test fails and is unable to send the output file data.



    A red and orange dot on the ELD icon is an indication that there is an active malfunction & data diagnostic event for the Vehicle Gateway. Follow the steps below to get more information on determining which active malfunction or data diagnostic event is active:

    1. Log in to the Motive Driver App.
    2. Tap on the Current Vehicle to view more details.


    3. Click on the Gear icon.


    4. From the ELD Diagnostic screen, scroll down the ELD Malfunction Event or ELD Diagnostic Event section to view Active malfunctions and data diagnostic events.


    5.. The screen will show details of the malfunction including code and issue. For example in the image below the Active Malfunction is Code R.


    6. Find the code in the What are Vehicle Gateway Malfunctions and Data Diagnostics article and follow the instructions.

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